Even if you take great care to keep your face and neck looking healthy, youthful and vibrant, sun damaged chest and cleavage deep wrinkles can make you look ungracefully aged.
Redness and dilated blood vessels on the chest are most often caused from sun damage. On the severe aging chest, dark brown spots and deep wrinkles cleavage will appears on the chest.
Chest rejuvenation is an ideal way to improve the skin tone, skin texture and overall appearance of your chest to complement your other anti-aging efforts and make you feel more confident in public.
Most chest rejuvenation treatments involve minimal downtime and very few temporary side effects, except in the cases that chemical peels, or CO2 laser resurfacing is recommended, as this procedure is aggressive and requires the downtime.
A wide variety of treatment options exist to rejuvenate the chest, including:
- Lumenis Universal® IPL and MedLite® Q Switched Nd:YAG Laser for dark brown spots and pigmentation.
- Vbeam® Perfecta Laser for redness and dilated blood vessels on the chest.
- Chemical peels, Fraxel Re:Store® or CO2 laser resurfacing for age spots, deep wrinkles for rough texture.
- Autologous adipose-derived stem cells -Nanofat and Microfat Grafting facial, eyelids, hand, neck and chest skin rejuvenation and the procedure improves the skin tone and skin texture as well as deep wrinkles.
Stone Mountain Skin Health Center is a full service laser and cosmetic facility specializing in full scope cosmetic dermatology treatment.
For patients looking to improve a condition of the skin and their chest appearance, we offer comprehensive analysis followed by state-of-the-art treatment. Please contact our expert to schedule your initial consultation by calling (678) 786-1118, (770) 508-8241 (Spanish), or (404) 989-1015 (Vietnamese).