Gynecomastia , or known in Greek “women-like breasts”, is a common disorder of the endocrine system in which there is a non-cancerous increase in the size of male breast tissue. It may affect one or both breasts.
Gynecomastia is not physically harmful, but in some cases it may be an indicator of another, more serious underlying condition, such as testicular cancer.
Mainly, it results in terrible embarrassment. Many men will try to hide it with thick shirts, avoid bare chest activities, and withdraw from public exposure.
Using a laser-assisted liposuction technology called SmartLipo™, it removes fat from beneath the skin’s surface and reshapes the underlying tissue. In many cases, SmartLipo™ liposuction alone can effectively correct these problematic areas. Patients can retain their skin elasticity just a few months after the procedure.
Men who have some loose, hanging skin as well as areas of excess fat may opt for a traditional excision procedure (surgical skin removal) in addition to SmartLipo™ liposuction. An excision may also be performed on gynecomastia patients whose breast enlargement is made up of mostly glandular tissue, rather than fat.
During surgery, excess breast tissue (glandular tissue) will be removed, and depending on the extent of the surgery, excess fat tissue may also be removed. Excess skin can be trimmed away, and the nipple can be re-centered if necessary.
The surgery can often be performed under local anesthesia alone, which can provide for a safer, faster and easier surgery. The attending physician will be sure to tell you the anesthesia type and procedures that will be involved during a consultation.
Male breast reduction surgery is an outpatient procedure and while a full recovery can take several months, patients are often able to resume normal and non-strenuous work and activity in as little as one or two weeks.
For patients who exhibit symptoms of gynecomastia, contact Stone Mountain Skin Health Center to schedule your initial consultation by calling (678) 786-1118, (770) 508-8241 (Spanish), or (404) 989-1015 (Vietnamese).